What is the weather?

Here are the weather forecasts for our village

Forecast for the next 24 hours:

These links will take you to other weather reports, they tend to be quite similar, but each site has its own useful additional information!

The widget above is from the French Meterological office forecast for France. Click on the widget or link for a detailed forecast for Mirepoix with 'morning', 'afternoon', and 'evening' forecasts for each of the next 3 days and an overview of the following week. The site also has everything you would expect from the French met office:

  • Satellite cloud image animations for France and Europe
  • Mountain UV levels and forecasts for high level walkers
  • Snow levels and forecasts for skiers
  • Traffic forecasts for the major autoroutes
  • Even specific forecasts for the major sporting events in France!
  • Plus climate details, marine forecasts, teaching details for schools etc.

The la chaine meteo forecast for France. This gives details for the current day and an overview of the coming 2 weeks.

The BBC five day forecast in English for Toulouse. This also shows the pressure maps and charts of weather fronts.